山中アーティスト・イン・レジデンス オーダー/

Yamanaka Artist-in-residence Order

Order #1

Guest Artist: WU Chi-Yu

アーティスト・イン・レジデンス実施初年度の本年は、台北をベースに活動をしている若手アーティスト WU Chi-Yu/吳其育/ウー・チーユー(1986–/台湾)を招へし、山中Suplexを拠点としたレジデンスを実施します。

第1回滞在期間: 2019年7月27日—8月15日

In the first year of Yamanaka Artist-in-residence Order, we are willingly inviting a young artist, WU Chi-Yu (b.1986 / Taiwan), based in Taipei, to Yamanaka Suplex as an initial guest from aboard. We are planing to have a few events with the artist during his residency period.  

Period of Residence: From 27th July — 15th August, 2019

Order #0

Guest Artist: Yuske TANINAKA

ベルリンを拠点に活動をしている若手アーティスト 谷中佑輔(1988–/日本)は、山中suplexにて、2019年5月に京都芸術センターで開催された『日本ポーランド国交樹立100周年記念 ポーランド芸術祭2019: セレブレーション—日本ポーランド現代美術展—』のための作品制作を延べ4ヶ月間に渡って実施しました。

滞在期間: 2019年2月 – 5月

Yuske TANINAKA (b.1988/Japan), based in Berlin, has stayed at Yamanaka Suplex for 4 months to create an artwork for the show at Kyoto Art Center since May 2019:  Celebration: Japanese-Polish Contemporary Art Exhibition. 

Period of residence: From February — May, 2019

山中suplex Artist-in-residence Orderについて

京都府と滋賀県の県境に位置している共同制作スタジオ: 山中Suplexは、2019年よりアーティスト・イン・レジデンスおよび、それを介したネットワーキングプロジェクト: 「山中suplex Artist-in-residence Order」を開始します。本プロジェクトの目的は、





About Yamanaka Suplex Artist-in-residence Order

A shared studio, Yamanaka Suplex, located on the border of Kyoto and Shiga prefecture in Western Japan, inaugurates Yamanaka Artist-in-residence Order: artist-in-residence program and networking project. The main objectives we pursue are following;

1) Regardless of whether it is from or out of Japan, we as a shared studio willingly invite active artists, curators, researchers and those who are connected to every kind of cultural practices, conducting cultural exchanges through artists-in-residence, exhibitions, discussions, events, dialogs and researches.

2) We build up uncultivated networks and relationship with other private, public institutions, and shared studios over the sea, sending local artists in Western Japan via Yamanaka Suplex to the cultural places abroad.

3) Apart from cultural policies executed mainly by public institutions or art councils, we kindly support artists’ and cultural practitioners and their activities, as well as making relationships with local audiences living in Yamanaka region and next generation as a contribution to societies.

As stated above, with the advantage of locational specificities of Yamanaka Suplex, our aim is to consider trans-locality and trans-modernity, and to be a third-alternative or civil sector not only for local artists but also international artists, based on Artists' Friendships

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